Sunday, February 7, 2010

Will U.S finally get rid of guys like GWBush and Dick Cheney or they represent the actual State of the Nation?

Guy's like Bush and Cheney have liberated millions of people in Iraq. No more torture, rape or mass killings. What is wrong with that? The world is a safer place without Saddam. If you can honestly disagree with that then I know you are a f***ing nut. I am going to assume that you are a looney liberal. Aren't liberals the ones who care more about human rights and helping people less fortunate? Obviously not. If you want a socialist society, more government control of your life, then go ahead and keep making idiotic statements. Bush was elected. That means the MAJORITY of Americans have the same views as him. If you don't like it, move to France. They would welcome a coward like you with open arms.Will U.S finally get rid of guys like GWBush and Dick Cheney or they represent the actual State of the Nation?
We can no longer remain ignorant of the state of the rest of the world, hiding our heads in the sand. It would be nice if we could withdraw all troops from every nation in the world and just focus on ourselves.

Within a fairly short time, we would be facing WWIII. The U.S. has been a stablizing influence on the whole world, at our cost, yes, but also to prevent greater cost down the road.

Our attack on Iraq was the ending of the cease-fire we held with Iraq since the first Gulf War when he attacked us for defending Kuwait. And yes, it was partially about Oil. Interesting how people want us to ignore our own oil interests in the region. Whose side are they on? At the same time, we haven't nationalized the oil. It's still in Iraq's and Kuwait's hands, but cannot be simply cut off as a weapon against us. Besides, we get only a small fraction from the Middle-East, anyway. Get rid of them? Of course we will. Eight-years, remember?

The question is, will we get someone strong enough to stay the course? Or will they cut and run due to public ignorance of the actual factors/dangers involved?Will U.S finally get rid of guys like GWBush and Dick Cheney or they represent the actual State of the Nation?
God I hope so... they've done enough to us now, don't you think?
mckenziecalhoun - it's kind of arrogant to assume that we're the ones keeping peace, especially when wars have been raging in Africa, South America and many other places in the world over our time of ';peace keeping';

I think the world would be just fine without our ';peace keeping,'; there would be wars, but there are wars now...

have we kept peace in certain places... yes, have we caused war in certain places... certainly...

See, I think this is the problem, many Americans think that their actions will keep peace, when in actuality, they probably don't know much about why other nations fight and their motivations... just like in Iraq now. Bush doesn't understand the Iraqi people or the cultural climate, so it's kind of hard to form a government or do much of anything constructive

But it all comes out of arrogance, which you obviously have and which lands us in more trouble than good

It's fine to liberate people, but if you don't know what to do after you liberate them, it's just fodder for future tyrants
Yes they represent the actual State of American Nation because they are elected.

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