Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is the United States Of America one nation indivisble?

Was this the intent of the founding fathers when they wrote the Constitution?Is the United States Of America one nation indivisble?
No, our forefathers believed in states' rights and believed that the United States could be dissolved if a tyrannical government arose. Funny, but when one talked about the United States in the early 1800's they spoke in plural: The United States are... not the United States is. Therefore, our government was designed to be divisible if the states of this union so chose. Moreover, most of the states that ratified the Constitution would not have agreed to sign it if they could not choose to leave the union. Sadly, most Americans do not realize this fact, and history is being revised.Is the United States Of America one nation indivisble?
That was the intent, however, that is not the outcome.

Dayman says the founding fathers didn't know we were going to be overrun with illegal politicians, but they did.

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive.

Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)

I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

Thomas Jefferson

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Thomas Jefferson

In my opinion, this country could not be more divided. The majority of our politicians are no longer ';For The People.'; They have their own agendas.
At the time they where concerned with the country breaking apart. It was fragile and new. This does NOT imply we all its citizens must agree on issues as most have suggested.

indivisible = Incapable of being divided into smaller pieces.....uh ya that is the point. The point of the civil war was over how we planned to structure it. (Federalist of Confederacy) NOT SLAVERY. i am not saying controlled by the feds but the power was given to the states who controlled the federal government. The federal government was small and had limited power. That has obviously been changed over the years. the reason it was designed this way was to prevent a controlling tyrannical government from taking over.

Our founding fathers where not stupid nor where they ignorant. They new government could be corrupt and recommended that it be rebuilt every 20 years and that parties NOT be allowed. They wanted individuals to run for office. They also felt that the average citizen was too ignorant to vote and built the electoral collage. I would agree on that point. People select candidates for stupid reasons.
The intent was that we were one country, under God that had broken away from England and were creating a democracy (as opposed to a monarchy) that would give liberty and freedom to all that seeked it.

Seems kindof weird now, considering the state and fights of the country, today.
That was the intent, howrever they did not realize that so may politicians would seperate the nation by party politics for their own gain, basically they had not anticipated that all of the politicians in the future would be corrupt.!!
It wasn't the founding fathers intent. It's all the idiots that came after them that created the divisions.
not now with all the libs wanting to change the constitution.
Might have been the intent but it certainly wasn't the outcome...
In the past, yes

But now we are one pagan divided nation, Babylon if you will
That was the intent. I'm good with splitting up though.
It seemed good at the time. But not actually true anymore.
According to the Pledge of Allegiance, yes.
Yes, but then they brought in the blacks and it has been FU ever since.
yes it was

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