Friday, February 12, 2010

Does the growing power of global-sized corporations threaten the nation-state system? Why or why not?

Although it is popular for people to say 'yes.' There is no actual evidence that this is actually the case.

When you look for examples of the results of what happend when an international corporation and a government had a conflict with each other - the corporation has always lost.

A recent example is Venezula's recent nationalization of the oil fields - the corporations simply had to take a multi-billion dollar loss and they had no recourse.

Other examples are countries defaulting on debt. When this happens the banks that lent the money are helpless.

In fact the only threat an international corporation can make to a country is to walk away and never do business with them again.Does the growing power of global-sized corporations threaten the nation-state system? Why or why not?
FDR once said: ';The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any controlling private power'.

Multi-billion-dollar corporations could easily - under the right instances of weakened government authority - become those 'controlling private powers' that dictate to government how things will be run, what taxes they will pay, and what laws they will obey.

In fact, given the massive corporate lobbyist efforts in Washington, DC these days, I'm not sure we're not already to that point! -RKO-Does the growing power of global-sized corporations threaten the nation-state system? Why or why not?
Yes, it's The New World Order. The first President Bush talked about it so has, Henry Kissinger, Gordon Brown and others have as well.

Learn about the banking system. The Federal Reserve, IMF, The Bank of International Settlements, The Bank of England and there's others.

That's what runs the show. The Banks.
Does cheating on your homework perpetuate the stereotype that Americans are lazy, unethical, and uneducated?

One day countries will have corporate names.

we won't have flags , we will have logos.
yes it does

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