Friday, February 12, 2010

How does it feel to be living in the United States, a nation of ';coercive tolerance';?

It feels very claustrophobicHow does it feel to be living in the United States, a nation of ';coercive tolerance';?
People who say the United States is a free and open society are completely in the dark. The Founding Fathers wanted a Republic, not a democracy. U.S. credit systems have virtually enslaved every citizen. Ever since the creation of the 18th Amendment in 1917, our country has been living on borrowed time. Becuase Our Fed Reserve can print on demand without the backing of gold, the dollar is an empty promisory note, creating an entire generation of feigned wealth and economic growth. Our government is fiscally scizophranic, Washington owes more money than the rest of the world combined, to the tune of 37 trllion dollars. (The average family of four owes 500,000) We put off housing mortgages every decade, pay higher premiums in gasoline, throw more money into education which is getting worse, and all for what?? Starting in 2011, our social security will be giving out more than it takes in.Watch out, in a few years, we are going to be in another stock crash FAR WORSE than the great depression.

America is a great melting-pot alright. If you come here and do not fit the mold already provided, then you do not belong.How does it feel to be living in the United States, a nation of ';coercive tolerance';?
Feels pretty doggone good to me! Great, in fact!

Thanks for asking!
Jealous much?
It feels like you asked this question yesterday.
if i told the truth, then everybody would want to live here
Hopefully one day you will know!God bless the USA
Coercive tolerance? You don't haaave to tolerate anybody or anything, you're free to suffer the consequences of not getting along with people. That's pretty much how every society is set up. Most people just prefer to get along because it's easier. And if you leave others alone, you tend to be left alone yourself.
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