Sunday, February 7, 2010

State of the Nation: 39% satisfied, 61% dissatisfied?

Compared with Bush last year:

11% satisfied, 89% dissatisfied

The number of people satisfied with the direction of the country has tripled in just a number of months. It's now the highest it's been since early 2001.

So how are we ';going down the toilet';?State of the Nation: 39% satisfied, 61% dissatisfied?
It's funny how people are expecting everything to happen in just a few months--since Obama's transition--and things are just too slow for their tastes. :0)State of the Nation: 39% satisfied, 61% dissatisfied?
Unless you are asking experts you are not getting the real results. If i was to ask you about the favorite pass time of spaniard and you somehow gave me an answer even though you have no idea what i am talking about ... would your positive input sway the poll into the right direction?

no it would simply be misleading like every single poll.

Ask people who know what you are asking and then reveal your finds.
I wouldn't put much faith in those numbers, you can go online and find a poll somewhere that says anything you want. Plus I think it's closer to 61% satisfied right now, the only people who are unhappy are the right wing terrorists who want to secede because, gasp, a black man is their president!
You missed the point with these statistics. Obama started out higher and the numbers are dropping. Your point measurement is just that, point measurement on it's decline. Next week it will be 35% then 30% then 11%. Look at Bush's rating at 100 days he had Obama beat. Bush had 62% fav vs. 38% based on CNN. So why can't Obama hang on? why is he spiraling so fast. 1 term just like Carter
I can give you over 11 trillion reasons why we are going ';down the toilet.'; Its going to take more than an economic recovery to pay this off. It's going to take an act of God.

They defend their errors as if they were defending their inheritance. ---Edmund Burke
Because the ';satisfied'; statistic represents the idiots that voted for the Trainwreck in Chief...

They would have to be living on the streets, starving to death, watching communist troops march by before they would ever admit that they made a HUGE mistake voting for this dipstick...
because people are not paying attention most are just happy they are getting their wealth redistribution ';tax cut'; even if they don't pay federal taxes.
We are going down the toilet because of big government and the corruption of our elected politicians.
We are happy with 39% satisfied. It is an improvement but it is pretty sad. we are only 100 days in. wait until we are 6 or 7 years in.
Wow.........39% is still matter how you spin it.

And your link actually says 31% are satisfied. Guess he didn't quite triple anything.
We're not. The Right only give credence to polls that show negatives for Obama. You will see them twist data like a pretzel to claim Obama is ';losing support';.
Don't worry it will hit your wallet also, then you will know that change can also be bad.
Open your eyes and SEE how we're going down the toilet.
lol you mean 39% is a good percentage?

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