Friday, February 5, 2010

Is the taiwan nation against all of china or just the communist state of china?

are the tensions that taiwan people feel towards china due to just the communist regime in china, or the whole idea of china? by idea, i mean the thousands of years of history and culture, which have formed the chinese image/identity, whereas the current communist regime has only been around for 60 years. so which is it? does taiwan just not like the current dictatorial state that china is in, or they don't like their entire identity/heritage?Is the taiwan nation against all of china or just the communist state of china?
I have been living in Taiwan for 4 years now and I have brought up the subject of Taiwan and China several times over the years. The answer that comes back quite often is that Taiwan doesn't like the PRC government, and that they don't like the Chinese people who are ultra nationalists that try to say Taiwan is a part of China and not a independent country.

As for do they disacknowledge the thousands of years of Chinese history, can say that they don't, a lot of the culture that is modern Taiwan is based on the traditional culture that was part of China before Mao's Communist regime took over.


Vash I applaud you for attempting to spread some knowledge around to others who are have some of the fact lacking in it. However a few things that you said are wrong too.

';What most Taiwan people ';feel'; is directly related to how the government propaganda want them to ';feel';.'; This statement is really not completely true, a lot of the younger generation and the more educated are not swayed by government propaganda in the area of Taiwan China relations. Most have developed an opinion that unification with China is good for economic and security reasons, however at the same time the want to remain independent of China for mostly the same reasons. For those that I have talked to they have come to these decision based on their experiences as study abroad students and from their own knowledge of the politics.Is the taiwan nation against all of china or just the communist state of china?
What most Taiwan people ';feel'; is directly related to how the government propaganda want them to ';feel';.

(well of course, when you get influenced by propaganda, you would never think you were influenced!)

Ask younger generation (age 30 and younger), they mostly want nothing to do with China. Ask older generation, they would mostly like to have Republic of China to rule all of China instead of the communists on mainland.

To luosechi 駱士基,

Taiwan was a part of the latest 2 Chinese dynasties. Ming(1300s~1644) and Qing(1644~1911). Qing Dynasty was forced to give Taiwan to Japan around 1895 after lost a war. Japan occupied it until 1945 the end of WWII, and Republic of China got it back. ';200 years separated';...YEAH RIGHT...Last time I checked, either your math is WAY off.... or someone or yourself had you to twist the true history on purpose.

Toward the end of Chinese civil war in 1949, Republic of China moved around 3 million people onto Taiwan which DOUBLED the population there at the time.

So called Taiwanese ';native'; language is nothing more than just the local dialect of Fujiang Province across the sea on mainland China.

The other ';half'; population were also mostly from mainland. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, many Ming citizens evacuated onto Taiwan when the war was lost.
I have lived in Taiwan for 6 years. The people I have met have not considered themselves Chinese any more than USA citizens consider themselves British. The reason is that most of them have lived separately from China for 200 years or so. The main problem arose when Chiang Kai Shek (Chung Tzen) occupied Taiwan after losing the civil war in China.

But getting back to the original subject, I think that that the Taiwanese people wish to be good friends with the Chinese people like the Americans are with the English... they just don't want to be pushed.
Taiwanese do NOT hate Mainland Chinese. They only detest persons like ';allperil'; who have no loyalty to Taiwan and its long-standing desire to shed the oppression of outsiders. Such person only seek to take over Taiwan for their own personal advantage, and should be shipped back across the Strait to their ';Motherland'; in shackles. Thank goodness Taiwan has the Hei Dao available to take care of such back-stabbing liars who spread antagonizing falsehoods among the people they profess to care about. C'YA!
The relationship between Mainland China and Taiwan is vastly more complex than your characterization. You must understand the full history of China, to comprened the relationship between these two regions.

Modern China is the result of its struggle against British opium peddling in the 1800s and early 1900s. The British fought two wars, during the mid-1800s, to ensure that it could keep killing millions of Chinese by addicting them to opium.

Modern Chinese society was also shaped by the Japanese invasion and occupation of China from 1931 to 1945. The Japanese killed millions of Chinese during that dark period. The infamous Nanjing Massacre involved the murder of 300,000 Chinese civilians by Japanese forces.

Mao drove out the imperialists by 1949 and vowed China would never again suffer under the boot of foreign oppression. The Nationalists, who retreated to Taiwan, have courted foreign powers since their eviction from the Mainland, but that is changing.

The people of Mainland China and Taiwan are the same. Their culture, language, heritage, and future are forever intertwined. Rapidly improving relations between the PRC and Taiwan governments, plus massive cross-investment and economic trade between the two regions, make eventual reunification a near certainty.

Mainland China's political and economic system have changed dramatically since Maoist times. The China of today is the 3rd largest economy in the world, with rapidly rising wages, educational levels, standards of living, and life expectancy for its people. The residents of Taiwan know a winner when they see one.
Luosechi gives a fairly balanced answer. Give him the blue ribbon.

In addition, I don't know if Vash is good at math or not (I really don't care), but he definitely needs to go back and study his history. Taiwan was never part of the Ming Dynasty. Only AFTER the fall of the Ming Dynasty did Koxinga flee to Taiwan in order to establish a base (the Kingdom of Tungning) from which he planned to regroup and eventually retake the mainland (inspiration for CKS and the KMT's own flight perhaps?). Ming Dynasty? YEAH RIGHT (yes it's childish but I couldn't resist).

On a more serious note, I think anyone who's lived in Taiwan (note: outside Chinatown aka Taipei City) for a reasonable amount of time will come to realize that there exists a wide variety of attitudes towards what you call the ';thousands of years of history and culture.'; These views are a reflection of the people's own self-image which are usually influenced by their ethnicity, political views, and views on history (there are other factors but these are the big three). Thus I would like to warn the against the assumption that Taiwanese only have a Chinese identity/heritage.

PS: moderators, I did answer the question. And I am correcting erroneous information.
The anmosity is towards the Communist regime. The Taiwan government feels itself to be the sole legitimate government of the whole of China. THey also lay claim to Mongolia!

Any idea that Taiwan would give more freedom is unfounded. They are more expansionist than the communists.
I don't understand why some of the posters think they have the right to speak on behalf of all Taiwanese. The poster of this question Irvineblahblah, has no respect for us Chinese, why do you even sway to his side?

I live in Taichung and I love China Mainland. The more the ';West'; wants us to be divided, the MORE I want to be apart of China. I am confident that if China continues to change and flourish, a lot of Taiwanese will want to be apart of them. Similar to Hong Kong.

1. My last name is Chinese.

2. My parents are born in China Mainland.

3. I speak Mandarin

4. I write Chinese Han characters

5. I eat Chinese food

When Taiwan has flood, all of China helps us and cares about us. Unlike Americans who only know how to bash Chinese and hate us.

China United. Yes. I am 30 years old.



Edit: If you are Chinese, you should know about how we were treated during WWII, and how the Americans killed so many Chinese and our Korean brothers. Yes, I am Taiwanese, but first and foremost I am Chinese. Why can't you understand we are of the same blood, same people, we must stand together. Otherwise, those who wish to divide us will laugh in while they drink beer.

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