Wednesday, February 10, 2010

When will Obama be held accontable for the state of the nation?

Ok...The honeymoon is over...he gives great speeches and he is the first African American President. The country is at 10% unemployment, gas is nearing 3.00 per gallon, we are increasing military in Afghanistan, we are moving terrorist to ILL., He intervenes on a court case that could blow open tortures done under the last admin. When is CNN,MSNBC, and the public in general going to start holding Obama accountable?

Answering...Republicans can do better? or Better then GW Bush? is side stepping the question, the focus of he question is Obama not the opposition party or previous president.When will Obama be held accontable for the state of the nation?
Where is ILL?When will Obama be held accontable for the state of the nation?
Gas was over $4.00 a gallon in the summer of 2008. I think Bush was still president then. The prison in Illinois is new, empty and state of the art. The federal government just bought it from the state.The feds are turning it into a federal prison. It will house 1200 federal prisoners and some of the prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. It is an economic boon for the area around the prison. It is estimated, according to The Chicago Tribune, to create 3800 jobs.
So what you are saying is that it does not matter who, or which party is responsible for the mess he has to deal with it is his problem?
Nov 2 , 2010

The Republican landslide and eventual takeover of the Congress will send the message loud and clear!
Republicans caused every single problem you mentioned.
When ';accontable'; is a word...
This s has been a slow process as you know. You had the Republican, then racist, then Bush and on and on. they finally have worn off. the polls have been pretty well propped up for a long time by the media, but today the pols had him at 46% vs Clinton at the same time who had a 52%.

The big difference is that Clinton actually was elected by 42% of the people (Perot took 20% of the vote, mainly Republican) and that Obama had 52% starting out. So now the ';polls'; are showing the numbers and not sure if propped up or not, but considering the shape of things it may be worse. He is being held accountable.

You had the TARP, Bush, then omnibus, stimulus and now another trillion dollar deal nd it's like nothing is working. Then add the giant bills the cap and trade and health. They are really not what we need right now, cannot afford it.

Then the GITMO deal. The facility in Illinois may be a political favor for some fat cat that got the contract to build the facility, you just don't know. Ii bet the media will look into it, then maybe not .

just saw where the lawyer for the guy that is responsible for killing and burning the four contractors in Iraq is suing hat he got punch by a Navy Seal, with two others present. Imagine what the others will say. when you consider the law firms and attorneys donated a ton to his campaign and then they donated $386 million* to our House and Senate members, this may be the pay back.

makes you wonder.
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