Friday, February 5, 2010

During today's State of the Nation Address by Bush, why do the Democrats have to give him a standing ovation?

I thought they don't like Bush?During today's State of the Nation Address by Bush, why do the Democrats have to give him a standing ovation?
They are on television and many want to be President so they give you that false phony political posturing.During today's State of the Nation Address by Bush, why do the Democrats have to give him a standing ovation?
They don't. It's a political thing. The political correct thing to do. These people have a strange way of thinking. They clap at your address then stab you in the back when you turn around.
Some of it was political and some was that the president stated things that both sides wanted to hear.
Protocol requires a standing ovation to the U.S. President's State of the Nation Address. Many Republicans probably didn't agree with everything the President said; but, they stood, didn't they? There were Independents and other political entities in the audience. Did you notice any of them not standing?

Personally, I don't stand and applaud a person I don't agree with. That's probably why I have lost several jobs!
When they stood it was to applaud the idea he presented, not so much the person presenting it.

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