Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is a nation and how does the concept differ from that of a state?

If you answer this question with detailed (reasons,results,resources,etc.), I will be very happy. Thank you very much from now.What is a nation and how does the concept differ from that of a state?
A state is a parcel of land that is allowed to for the most part govern its self. Make rules, laws, carry out trials for criminals. fund its cities from the point that the city cant do it. Take care of it holdings, Roadways, parks, welfare systems, Medical for the elderly. Anything for the people of the state.

A nation is a main ruling government, It sets major guide lines that the states and the people of all the states must abide by. If a state does not wish to follow the guide lines then the National Government with holds tax dollars that would have gone to that state, for example. In the US the federal Government has set up guide lines that , you must wear a seat belt in a car, also that the legal amount of alcohol in the blood while driving a car is .08%. If the states did not change the laws to conform than the states would loose money for roadways and transportation. Which means that roads would be worse than they are and bridges would crumble. Or buses would run out of fuel.What is a nation and how does the concept differ from that of a state?
The meaning of those two words varies by context. In the US for example states are semi-autonomous political subdivisions. Other times, nation and state may be used interchangably -- i.e. state of Israel is the same as nation of Israel.
a nation can also be a state. But the usage of the word Nation is a group of people united by something like culture or heritage.
more than one State can belong to more than one Nation
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