The one nation under God bit has been so over used just like the God Bless America signs you see everywhere that there is no longer any meaning behind them. They are just slogans now. Americans have been led to believe they are the savior of the world for so long they all believe they are. They never have been and never will be.
If you think this isn't so, do me a favor and read the web site I have listed below. See one of the things that the central government of the USA is doing and 98% of the people don't even know it. Then read the second site and see what the central government is allowing to happen to the military in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It is time that the people of the USA stand up and return your country to your people and not the dictates of a corrupt government.Is the state of the US, still one nation under God?
And thank you for understanding what I am trying to say as well. People need to learn what is really going on and don't seem to care as long as they are fat and think they are happy.
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Is the state of the US, still one nation under God?
Sure our government has problems and mostly fails to represent the interests of the people, but I think that the point of the question was whether the saying ';one nation under God,'; still applies to the USA. The people succeed despite their government; similarly for students and schools.
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Officially? No, and we never have been.
You have got to be joking - right?
No and it shouldn't be, since ';under God'; wasn't originally in the pledge of allegience in the first place.
';under god'; was added because of a true American...Joe McCarthy, the witch hunter with a high school education. (sarcasm)
Nope. Sorry to say it but we're now many nations under various Gods or no God at all.
One rather polarized nation under God.
Really? I think only your god could answer that one. Or are you making some elliptical reference to the two words inserted into the ';Pledge of Allegiance'; in 1954, the pledge itself having been penned in the early 1890's as part of a marketing effort?
Either way, I don't see much purpose to this question. You would have to make a reasonable case that it ever was in order to ask the question. If you think you could make a case that it ever was, I suppose a case could be made that it still was.
I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I believe the USA is one of the most professedly religious nations on earth.
Is it still a religious nation? Yes, though it doesn't have to be for everyone if they dont' want it to be.
Is that phrase still in the pledge? Yes
Should it be? No, it was added during the cold war to distinguish the US from the USSR (fact, believe it or not) and was NOT part of the original pledge of allegiance.
Remember Sodom %26amp; G0 when God said he would save it for only 5 believers? As long as there are prayers beaming up God will be there. The UN is however doing some major control planning for the whole world which is according to prophesy!
The US is still one nation with a fairly strong patriotic vein of national unity. Look to 9/11/01 American response to the terrorist attacks for proof.
The US is still under God. We are a mostly Christian nation, but religion is a fairly important aspect of life for most people in America across the religious spectrum, regardless of the name which we give Him: God, nature, the Designer/Creator, the Inner Light or Inner Voice, etc.
There is no question that the USA UNFIES herself as one nation and REMAINS under God; despite the significant energies an ';irate, and tireless minority setting brushfires'; of doubt, misinformation, divisions, conflict, and internal dissonance.
not anymore....
It's just a coin motto. It never existed in any founding document. It was always an illusion to calm the masses.
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