Friday, February 12, 2010

Why did Phil Gramm (Republican, bank deregulation crusader) call the United States a 'Nation of Whiners)?

Because he was royally insulted when he found out that not everyone approves of his social darwinist agenda.Why did Phil Gramm (Republican, bank deregulation crusader) call the United States a 'Nation of Whiners)?
Probably because we are. Because of our founding fathers and their brilliant efforts in forming our government, we have always been the greatest nation on earth. We have become a nation full of people that expect the government to take care of them. We want instant results, instant wealth and gratification. We are spoiled whiners.

Example:鈥?/a>Why did Phil Gramm (Republican, bank deregulation crusader) call the United States a 'Nation of Whiners)?
Because this nation used to be full of Americans who believed in the republic. Americans have been catered to and told what they want to hear to give them warm fuzzies. They have been conditioned to think that anyone who observes their constitutional right to protest is unpatriotic. This nation has forgot their 2nd amendment to bear arms and right to a militia against a tyrant government when the National Guard was on standby ready to be called out against those protesting the unconstitutional federal reserve in November 2008 or when our jobs were handed to foreigners in other countries. They have allowed bankers to buyout our government and they think its just a conspiracy theory. Thats why the CFR has had almost every presidential candidate since Ford as a member and the CFR seeks a ';new world order'; or one world government with no American or any nations sovereignty (See George Bush SPP treaty). I actually wonder if I will be able to come back to my country after my next deployment is finished and I leave in a couple of months for 1-3 years in the heat. Many Americans still think this is just a hoax even though the NWO is not even being hidden much anymore. Instead of being men and standing up for themselves and their country they whine and send an email to a congressman and think that is their patriotic duty. The media has conditioned the minds of Americans to think that they are it; they've arrived. The men have replaced true forms of masculinity with replacements, like watching sports or UFC. Thats fine but to keep your freedoms dont forget whats important. Through materialism, they have become feminized. The youth of today have become hollywoodized narcissistic mammas boys. Young men used to go through almost a right of passage. The internet is a place where you find young men and immature old men vent their built up energy by internet bullying or pornography obsessions. Drug use and alchohol is often found as a place of belonging. Men used to have more confidence because they had done things in life to give them that confidence in themselves. Now, they find that confidence through vanity. Indeed, this generation has become whiners because they lack the ability to stand up and be a man through patriotic deeds like fighting for our country in an honorable way and I dont mean going into another country and ruining it over WMDs that did not exist but rather, against a tyrannical government that is eroding our constitution. Women are standing up for themselves better than many men. The American government has raped our Constitution, spit on our rights, and taken our money at every turn. Our founding fathers would be appalled at the patriot act; which has a nice name but is a communist act more than anything. This nation is a republic and yet, Americans have allowed it to be called a democracy which is a communist version of a republic; where a republic is focused on individual rights and ownership and democracy is state ownership and privileges. The 2 are very different. The whiners accept every spoonful of **** the government feeds them and that, my friend, is why those kinds of Americans are called whiners and sheeple. I am what I call a saildier because I am a sailor and I wear and do the things of a soldier. I proudly serve my nations Navy combat team with honor, courage, and commitment. I will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America and I know what that means. So many of my brothers at arms have no idea. They just do what they are told and are ignorant to the rights the constitution provides its citizens, as are the majority of other Americans, and so, will not recognize an unlawful order if told to suppress a peaceful protest. Americans have become pathetically lazy, stupid enough to believe lies without researching it. They become lost in the details and are to lazy to dig through it to find the truth. This was a harsh word for a difficult question. If this is not you, then dont be offended. In my opinion and in accordance with what has been observed in recruits, this word is true of many Americans but is by no means true of all of us.
because a large portion of this nation are whiners! Ge-ez, where have you been over the past 8 years? We have gone from a government for the people to a government that controls the people.
Because he's a neocon and liked the way things were going.

I don't want Obama to follow Gramm's advice.

I want Obama to follow Ron Paul's advice.
The Republicans are a party of whiners, close but no cigar.
We are a nation of whiners.



I'm not sure why He said it... but, we are..
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