Friday, February 5, 2010

Based on the current state of our nation, if there were an election held next week ...?

Would you be more likely to vote Democratic, Republican or something else?

I know it really depends on the candidates, but I wonder whether people are polarizing toward one party or the other right nowBased on the current state of our nation, if there were an election held next week ...?
Moderate, sane individuals. Progressives would be nice to see, but there aren't too many out there right now. I default with Democrats generally because they have the middle class at interest more readily, and are more socially liberal(as I am), but there are some good Republicans out there(Ron Paul), although I could probably best describe myself as a Moderate libertarian-although more on the freedom from government oppression side.Based on the current state of our nation, if there were an election held next week ...?

Chief_NoBull not vote Republican Party, not vote Democrat Party.

Chief vote have a modified Tea Party!

Instead of Tea, mmmm Ugh!

We through Politician into Bay!

Ugh! What you think-em, sound-em Good?

mmmmm IUgh! Chief like-m thought

well if ron paul was running for the republicans i would vote for him. but otherwise i would vote libertarian.

how someone could be split between democrat and libertarian is beyond me. they are basically opposites.
That's kind of hard to tell since Obama's approval rating is somewhere around 50 percent.
None of the above. All politics and politicians are corrupt, lying, scheming douschebags

I honestly have given up on our government. I can't trust anyone there anymore. It's falling apart
Likely Democrats, but maybe Libertarian.
The best candidate, as long as he denounces psycho talk.
Something else ...
Libertarian, or Republicans like Ron Paul, or democrats like Dennis Kucinich

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