Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What do you think the most hated/clowned on/ made fun of state in the nation is?

i think its hard to pick one. people based on regional affiliations hate or love certain states. i'm from wisconsin, though, and we get more flack than we deserve. thats for sure. i've heard people say that we are hicks just because we live here. we have cities and universities and society people come on lolWhat do you think the most hated/clowned on/ made fun of state in the nation is?
are we in america?

in australia nsw and victoria laugh at each other and compete in the state of origin football but we usually laugh mostly at tasmania because people say that theyre all inbred. map of tassie is a colloquial term for a womans private area.What do you think the most hated/clowned on/ made fun of state in the nation is?
Tennessee, I make fun of it all the time... but then again it is the place that I most hated living, so....

besides that... Alabama

who knows...
West Virginia.
New Jersey

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