Friday, February 5, 2010

How can the rise of nation states economic,political and social benefits for most people?


please.How can the rise of nation states economic,political and social benefits for most people?
that'd take about an hour and a half worth of discussion....

no shortcuts in doing your homework.How can the rise of nation states economic,political and social benefits for most people?
Mr. t

will not approve.
Because they share a common language, institutions, religion, and historical experience. See the U.S. government.

Nation States provide benefits largely through taxes amd charitable organizations.鈥?/a>
I'd like for you to do your own homework tonight please. If I catch you cheating again you'll be spending the rest of the semester after school.
I think the sentence construction is confusing. However, from my interpretation of the question, I guess if the nation state that rises is the most populated in the world, there is that chance that it will also benefit the most population or the most people.

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