Friday, February 5, 2010

Has there ever existed a nation/state that did not rely of the tired ';War Economy?'; When and for how long?

It has often been said that a ';War Economy'; is necessary for the growth and prosperity of a nation. One reason is because peace processes have always sought to exclude former enemies, economically. Help!Has there ever existed a nation/state that did not rely of the tired ';War Economy?'; When and for how long?
War is actually bad for business. Limits trade, goods and services become more scarce, etc. Basic Adam Smith.Has there ever existed a nation/state that did not rely of the tired ';War Economy?'; When and for how long?
Swlitzerland always was neutral and did not induluge in modern warfare
There has been violence and war for as long as mankind has existed. It will not change. It is the nature of man. Take a look at the Defense budget. That money is going somewhere (i.e. contractors who make weapons, etc.) and that in turn provides jobs in manufacturing the goods, as well as jobs for people gathering resources needed for the parts. It's the circle of life.
yes, several nations in fact. many nations don't produce thier own weapons, but instead import them from a major maker of arms like the US, China, Russia, Germany, or Israel. So therefore they get no benefits of a war economy.

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