Friday, February 5, 2010

Why do people still call Bex an average sized woman? What does that tell you about the state of the nation ...

if she is an AVERAGE size.

So if youre in a country surrounded by size 22 people, and you are only a size 20, does that make you a fit person does it? People need to stop being in denial.

Whether or not size 12/14 is average, at the end of the day, Rebecca is carrying excess weight. Thats just fact.Why do people still call Bex an average sized woman? What does that tell you about the state of the nation ...
Why worry any longer - she's gone. We never knew her before BB and we'll never meet her or see her again. I couldn't care less what size she is and I doubt many others do either ! ! !Why do people still call Bex an average sized woman? What does that tell you about the state of the nation ...
You so need to get out more and actually look at the women around you.

I'm a healthy 14/16 (5'8) and my BMI is exactly what it should be. I swim about 4 or 5 miles a week, walk about 15 miles and cycle about 15 miles which at almost 40 is very fit.I am so fed up of the unrealistic expectations on women to be super skinny. My teenage daughter is 5'9 and a size 10 and very slim. How these adult women models at the same height maintain a size zero is beyond my comprehension. Women come in all shapes and sizes and it is healthier to be a stone or so over weight than a stone or so underweight.

Bex needs to take more exercise and tone up is all, she is a long way from fat.
She is LESS than average ! The average sized lady is size 16 - and they are NOT fat.

I'm quite a bit bigger than Bex (not boobs but I have a broad back ! ) She is a size 12 bottom and 14/16 top - I wish I did !

Like Purple , I am also very fit and a heck of a lot older than most of you ! I am a full time carer for my 88 year old mum, I manage to care for 11 grandchildren (+ they always want to 'bring a friend' ) whilst their parents work.

I grow my own veg, do my own decorating and although I have a bus pass, can easily walk up the mountain .I can probably drink most of you under the table and , oh dear, I smoke, too
oh my god size 14-16 is the average size in the uk that's bad i'm a size 10 need tone up abit but that's just because i've had a baby 4months ago but there's no need to be fat now adays just shows how much junk food people eat and they don't give a damn about how they look i would hate my body if i was a size 14 or 16
Well in the UK a dress size 16 is actually the average...... Im a size 8 so im not average but I guess she now would be classed as being average dress/body size......... Being fat isnt the problem its being unhealthy that is the issue and its a shame that the country is getting so unhealthy
I'd rather call Bex an healthy, average sized woman than some model who looks like a stick on two legs. Bex is a good role model in fact and shows the girls that weight is not everything. If it stops only one girl from turning anorexic, Bex has done a good job.
you don't get out much then?

she is average size and she isn't that big, if you saw here in real life she wouldn't look that big.

size 12 is not fat. she has big ****.
In the UK, size 14-16 is now average. Not that it's right, it's unhealthy carrying all that extra weight. We're turning into America.
Bex is actually a size 12-14, she made luke check in the diary room.

Just because she eats doesn't mean she is fat.

She defo isn't skinny but her **** make her look bigger.
she isn't fat but she's no way a size 12 either , i think she wears the wrong sort of clothes really for her size , plus her boobs make her look bigger too !!
I agree i do think she is a little overweight but each to their own, live %26amp; let live, i have no right to sit in judgement :)
she is kind of average

just not her boobs

if you where to take Her Boobs off she would like half the size she does now
They're talking about her intelligence.
I have no clue who you are talking about.
whats worse than that is when you hear people describing a size 10 or 12 as curvy! i call that skinny!
its those boobs shes got there to damn big and flabby shes disgusting and not attractive at all
who is Bex?
I agree.
If 14 is average then the UK must be a nation of fatties on it's way to rivalling the US. I am a size 6 and none of my friends are more than an 8. Saying 12/14 is average is just an excuse to make being fat acceptable, how sad.
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