Friday, February 5, 2010

What is the comparison of the nation-states of Spain and England?

In what ways were the similar?

In what ways were they different?

Why?What is the comparison of the nation-states of Spain and England?
similar like monarchies, conquers..

different language,, religion and hair colourWhat is the comparison of the nation-states of Spain and England?
both were monarchies who's power was based on their navies, until England smashed the spanish armada. england broke from the catholic church, spain remains a catholic nation.
in England they speak English in Spain Spanish. Similarities are ,They all want love ,enough money to go around and a peaceful life.
Spain and England were both influenced by the Church in Rome. They were both influenced by Roman occupation.

Spain was and has been Catholic. England was almost totally transformed by the Protestant Revolution.

England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church, establishing the state-sponsored Anglican Church.

Whereas Spain was isolated from the rest of Europe by the Pyrenees, England was isolated from the Continental Europe by the Channel.

Spain's dominant cultural influences were Romance and Moorish. England's dominant cultural influences were Roman, Norman, Anglo-Saxon.

Both Spain and England had Celtic influences but these were overwhelmed by later migrations and invasions.

Spain and England came to great power as empires through the use of merchant and military power.

Whereas in Spain the Church held greater sway over science, in England science was given more freedom by the ruling class, and did not have to struggle as much against the power of the Church. Hence you have Darwin, Isaac Newton, Fleming, and other great thinkers who advance bothe science and the might of Great Britain.

The royal family in England gave a great boost to freedom by granting the Magna Carta. Later, Cromwell and the Parliamentarians advanced representative government, or rather the power of the bourgeoisie against the monarchy. In Spain, the monarchy held sway for much longer, at least till the early 20th century. I'm not sure that Spain doesn't have her own local laws which might be comparable to Common Law. Certainly Roman law is more an influence in Spain, but there are also older communitarian laws such as the Basque and Aragonese common laws. Although the Roman lawfailed to completely displace older tribal law, in Britain, it was much displaced and affected by the laws established by Alfred, %26amp; later the Normans.

Spain lost power to England and to the revolutions in her colonies. England lost power not so much due to the American Revolution but to competing European national colonizing states of Germany, France, Netherlands, Portugal, and Russia combined.

Whereas Spain and England both had mercantilist economies, later England became much more industrial than Spain, with the exception of the Basque and Catalč°Šn regions.
Up to the 18th centuries:

Catholic vs. Protestant

Common Law vs. Roman Law

Similarities included: Monarchies and mecantilist economies.

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