Friday, February 5, 2010

Who gets the credit on the state of the nation?

i've heard bashing on Bush for the USA's current situation and statements of 'who will screw things up the least' in November.

i've heard the Bill Clinton doesn't get credit for how good it was under his term because it was the republican congress.

it seems to me they are all responsible, but should the president or the congress that get credit for conditions (good or bad)? Who gets the credit on the state of the nation?
The President gets the blame good or bad, but this is not an accurate assessment. The President actually has very little control over the state of the union in general. The President can suggest policy, but it is Congress that does the real work (good or bad). The President only approves or disapproves and is still subject to being over-turned.

As for Clinton specifically. He gets credit from Democrats, while the Congress gets credit from Republicans. This is just politics as usual. There was a senergy between Congress and The White House during the Clinton years which was beneficial in some ways and detrimental in others. The reality though is that average Americans did not suffer that much under Clinton.

Buffytou: Kindly get your facts straight.

';Clinton balanced the budget and reduced the size of government under a Democratic Congress.';

Neither of these things occurred in Clinton's first 2 years in office. It was only accomplished after the Republican takeover in 94. The only really notable occurence regarding Congress in Clinton's first 2 years was the complete failure of trying to reform healthcare.Who gets the credit on the state of the nation?
Most presidents really don't see the full effect of their position until after the term has ended; i.e Bill Clinton reap a great deal of economic growth from Bush Sr, the father was very bright. As a matter of fact can you think of any bill Clinton signed his first term to stimulate the economy. Now look at the Jr. Bush he is reaping a great deal of grief for the war and NAFTA. Clinton sign NAFTA....besides all this a president can sign laws into action, congress is the one that votes down or up a bill.

As far as this current term goes, Bush is to blame for not having for- sight, Congress is to blame for not having courage to do their job and be an advocate for the voters.
The Republicans are now blaming the Democrats in Congress for taking a vacation from government when their job was not quite finished. Republicans are demanding nothing more than a simple up-or-down vote on drilling for domestic oil.

Republicans have the opportunity to expose both Obama and Pelosi as enviro-extremists who refuse to let Americans use the treasure trove of oil that lies beneath our own soil, arctic ice and waters.

Let's give the credit where credit is due.
If a child flunks a test, is he allowed to blame it on someone in last year's class or on next year's class?

Give the credit where credit is due. The Republicans created this mess. Let them have all of the credit.

As far as the good economy under Clinton, don't that Clinton balanced the budget and reduced the size of government under a Democratic Congress.

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