Friday, February 5, 2010

What do you think about the state of the nation and how has it affected you?

It scares me. I keep waiting for the other shoe to fall. Some humongous event, such as 9/11 is overdue. I can only hope that Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, and whatever other watchdog agencies we have, will keep finding and diffusing terrorist plots that are being hatched to harm us.

However, at this moment, I am living well. I have retired from my job. Growing rose bushes (budless), doing ceramics, and loving the heck out of the 2 sweetest, nicest, prettiest and most intelligent grandkids.

In short, making the most I can, with what I have.What do you think about the state of the nation and how has it affected you?
I think this nation is headed for big trouble if it doesn't reevaluate it's current procedures and the way the government goes about running it. The United States has always been looked at by the rest of the world, as the land of opportunity, of freedom, of justice. Well, I have recently had my eyes forced open by the Federal System and this country is not at all what it seems. The government chooses to lock thousands and thousands of criminals up and almost literally throw away the key. (Out of sight, out of mind) And there is no justice in that, most of the imprisoned are NON VIOLENT drug offenders. The US chooses to ignore the problem rather than work on solving it. They keep building new prisons to keep the prisoners with unbelievably harsh unfair sentences in, instead of rehabilitating them. The government is quickly, maybe unconsciously steering us into a communist country. I'm sorry, but I just consider a country with a judicial system that will let a baby raping murderer out of prison in 5-10 years but give a first time non violent prisoner convicted of conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance a life sentence to be well as unjust as you can get. And Federal Prison has no parole. God bless those caught up in the system helpless to do anything about itWhat do you think about the state of the nation and how has it affected you?
It's fine.
All things considered, I feel the state of the Nation is healthy. I'm working, The economy is vibrant. I can't complain and am thankful for what I have.
Its terrible, we have two hugely unpopular and counter-productive wars, the highest incarceration rate of any industrialized country, a ';war on drugs'; that has turned law enforcement in to a business and people who need help into criminals, a president who despite never winning a single election has been in power for 7 years, one of the worst health care and educational systems in the industrialized world the list goes on and on. As for how its affected me I can't vote, get any government aid to go to college or really do anything without getting harrassed.
As a historian, I see America following the path of past empires, and it frightens me. Our economy is faltering, the dollar is becoming worthless, and we've enacted laws to oppress our people. The effect? I'm going to live in another country.
How could you ask such a question when you know this radical nutbar Canadian will tell you it is a mess and I do wish you would get the house in order before it drags us all is time you elected someone who will keep his/her nose out of the world's business and get the nation back on track and fight the real problems like healthcare and environment..I was just reading how our smog is not caused by us but by the burning of coal in Ohio...see, when your nation rolls around in our bed we get we either wish for a north wind and freeze our asses off or dream of a south wind and be warm but not able to breathe...see what a mess you leave us in Lucy.
The state of this nation is tenuous at best and is undoubtedly crumbling into chaos and ultimately into obscurity by destruction by forces from within and from without. I recall a time when we actually had rights (see the first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution). Those rights have been replaced by priveledges. 9/11 was a planned and executed false-flag event used as a pretext for wars in Afghanistand and in Iraq. The real perpetrators aren't Islamic extremeists. Follow the money. Who profits the most from war? We used to be a Constitutional Republic, we are now a fascist police state and the forces of evil are in charge. Fascism is the marriage of the corporations and the state. This has affected me in many ways, especially in terms of emotion, as this nation is a sad place set on the precipice of total destruction and enslavement for most of our population,(in KBR camps) that is, those who actually survive the horrors coming upon all of us.
Overall good. The economy is recovering steadily and growing, the unemployment rate is at its lowest levels since 1994, and we haven't been attacked yet. Where it is not good isn that we have two wars going on, one successfully in Afghanistan and one failing in Iraq. Still I feel the country is healthy and growing.

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