Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What's your opinion on the current state of our nation?

Thumbs up or down for Obama?What's your opinion on the current state of our nation?
Thumbs way down. This clown from Illinois looks more inept by the minute.What's your opinion on the current state of our nation?
I have to say thumbs down. Because in honor of the 44th president of this USA. Ben %26amp; Jerry's Ice Cream Co.,has come up with a new flavor of ice cream it's called Barocky Road. This ice cream is a blend of half vanilla and half chocolate and is surrounded by nuts and flakes. The vanilla portion of this mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient,the nuts and flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow. The cost is $100. per scoop. When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone. But then the ice cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you. Thus you are left with an empty wallet and no change,holding an empty cone,with no hope of getting any ice cream at all. AREN'T YOU FEELING STIMULATED NOW?
Thumbs down--and yeah, it sucks when *I* have to say it.

I voted for Obama twice, once to make him Senator, again to make him President.

I did so believing that he'd change things for the better. Did he? Has he been *Allowed to*?

Look up the numbers on our projected deficit some time. Obama's current spending plan only accounts for *7 percent* of the total. *40 percent* of the total is from two Bush-era policies that President Obama promised to undo, that he *Hasn't* undone. They are from our Troops in Iraq, and from the Tax Cuts for Rich Folks (earning $250,000 a year or more). The President says he's worried about the deficit--fine, then cut it nearly in half! Leave Iraq to ROT and make the Rich Folks pay their fair share *For ONCE*! %26gt;_%26lt; Is it so hard to *remember* what you promised to do when you were *running for office*?

Then take a look at the bailouts. AIG gets off scott-free. Golden Parachutes and all. Folks won't even *Consider* pay cuts or pay caps for the CEOs who rob us blind, your Bernie Madoff-types, at all.

But nooo, Chrysler and GM ';have to'; go bankrupt for ';their own good'; and we have to let *Creditors* hold up the process and piss and moan about how they're getting ';screwed over'; when *Everybody* is getting screwed over, workers too!

And then the rightwads over on Fox News have the nerve to call President Obama a ';socialist';?? Huh? What kind of socialism is this, when labor unions get screwed, car companies get sold off in pieces to Italy and China, and anyone in serious debt gets screwed out of stimulus money thanks to offsets ?!? The only people *Getting* socialist ';protection'; of even a mediocre sort are your CEOs and Bankers, *As Usual*.

Personally, I blame the Suits *Around* the President more than I do Obama himself for this. The Lobbyists, CEOs, Bankers, CIA, and still *More* Lobbyists and Scum have all been bending Barack Obama's ear non-stop since the night he won the *election*. Never mind letting the guy get to his first day at work even, no, let's *neuter him entirely* months in advance.

Whole thing has me bitterly disappointed and angry. No matter what we do we *can't* get rid of the CEO and Big Oil Cliques within the system. The bastards won't leave. We the people *voted* for someone NOT Bush and NOT McCain, and yet we're still stuck in the '80s like Reagan's still here. WTF??

So yeah. It's a Thumbs Down, mainly because all of these damned *Businessmen* have to throw their hissy fit over ';their boy'; not winning, and in the process *castrate* the Leader *We* Elected.

Seriously. When, if ever, are we *ordinary, non-corporate* people, going to see improvement? When? When are we going to course correct on *one damned thing*?
Dismal. It all started going South in 2001.

I Voted against both McCain and Obama as I didn't approve of either of their Economic Polices.

The Children born in the year 10,000 will be paying off this debt in the year 10,075
It's been rats on a sinking ship for quite some time now... I'd say the 60s were our pinnacle but we've made some important human rights advancements since then too.

Oh, and thumbs up for Obama, although I believe in fiscal conservatism.
Thumbs down so far...I don't see any improvement where I live. It seems that they all promise the moon, then when they get elected, they don't give a crap anymore.
We are on the brink. This current administration can do so much damage that it may take 40 years to recover.
Thumbs down...lets put it this toilet paper is in a better state than the way were headed
thumbs to the side. I'm stuck in the middle.

well obama has a big mess to clean up after bush so im nuteral at the moment
All things considered..... UP so far, being that GWB left it in a poor situation.....
its gonna get better after obamas out of office. he'll do the work but it wont do anything until he leaves
thumbs down, he's worse than Carter
It's down but I think Obama can help bring it up.
Obama thumbs up...thumbs down for the state President Bush left it in....
Our nation is in a great turmoil and we need to FIX IT!
Thank God I don't live in the US.

You should all move to see me in Germany.
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