Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What does this say about the moral state of our nation?

Osama bin Laden treats his POWs to hot meals and heated rooms. He doesn't serve alcohol, but he does give them unlimited water and time to walk around if needed.

The US deprives suspected terrorists of food and water for information, forced them to sleep standing for information, and serves them alcohol forcibly, even though it is against Islamic law.

NOTE: I pulled the Osama's prisoners description from a reccount made by a captured journalist in TIME magazine.What does this say about the moral state of our nation?
first of all you have to realize that the journalist probably stands to sell more copies of the news paper with a headline like that. And if he or she was a prisoner of O sama shouldn't they have a vague clue of his where abouts? The whole things sounds like left winged propaganda to me.What does this say about the moral state of our nation?
Tofu, I disagree with you this time. bin Laden and his cronies are the antithesis of humane behavior. This kindness is a ploy. If it served their purposes, they would put babies to the sword - which they did, on 9/11.

By affecting civilized behavior, they increase their chances of justifying their evil actions in the eyes of the world.

That said, I also believe a) Bush has done nothing but serve bin Laden and make the U.S. look like fools; and b) torture is common throughout the world. The fact that we use it is shameful, as shameful as our history of slavery, or committing genocide against indigenous Americans.

We do not want to control our impulses or delay our gratification, or reach equitable solutions with other nations as our partners. We should rename ourselves The United States of Jerry Springer.

What is the moral state of our nation? The truth is that we are not a civilized people, but we play one on TV.
Do you actually believe that? I personally don't believe us or them until I see it with my own two eyes!
it is in a sad state when stupid people like you think you are Jesus and if you like oasma so much MOVE get the hell out of America you traitor
And your point is?

Would you feel better if I baked them some cookies, bought them a new car and hired in hookers for them?
you must be kidding......

You cant compare what a few bad apples have done in Iraq to this kind of disgusting murder of innocent civilians.

If we followed the ways of the muslim scum terrorists we would behead all those we capture after we get done torturing them.

But instead we give them 3 healthy squares a day, a cot, medical, dental and clean linens (not to mention a quran).

I wonder how many of our guys get a Bible before the scum behead them....

Sorry, but those who protest against how we treat the enemy combatants when captured should be Shouting at the top of their lungs in protest about how OUR guys are treated when captured....their silence endorses the terrorists which makes them unfit to live in this country or enjoy the rights of an American citizen...
I guess it says that we will not stoop the terrorists' level of humanity. Sorry Tofu. Please forgive us
Did they also inform you that the whole time they were in captivity, they were waiting for the time to come to be beheaded.

If you people think so much of those PIGS,why don't you go there and join their forces.
because the journalist is likely left wing and Osama knows it's better to treat them right so they will come home and spread the story

the rest of the POWS get their throats cut

give me a panty over my head anytime
It is depolrable and a manifestation of Republican values,like the Abu Ghraib photos.

Thank you TF.

-Jim W

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