Friday, February 5, 2010

US Residents Only: Would you consider moving to another country if the state of our nation got worse?

Personally, no. For one, the people that are REALLY running this country are pretty much running the rest of them too. And two, I don't want to give up anything to them. I would prefer to stay here and fight for what is rightfully ours than to give up and run. Eventually there will be no where to run and they will have won. And I do not want to see that happen.US Residents Only: Would you consider moving to another country if the state of our nation got worse?
There is a chance it could indeed get worse. Remember, the US is the youngest developed nation in the world by thousands of years.

That being said, i don't see ever leaving, but who know what the future holds for the next generations. Hopefully we will someday really learn from our mistakes.US Residents Only: Would you consider moving to another country if the state of our nation got worse?
According to Bible prophesy the world will 'wax' worse and worse-but the Church rise higher and higher. Jesus himself said 'It shall be like in the days of Noah(only 8 people on earth WORTHY to be saved(kinda like the Rapture will do).

However, what USstands for is inspiring but I'd love to go to Scotland to see castles and Eqypt to visit pyramids, to start.
Honey, I'm just saving money because the decision got made a while back! There is alot of goodness about America that I'd like to see salvaged, but let's face the reality that someone could do much better for themselves in a european country for half the hassle.
I wouldn't mind living in Canada one bit. British Columbia is gorgeous!!!
It is hard to move to another country to do away with the noticies.
I've already considered it, but now the IRS is making sure that I will never accumulate enough money to do so. Would some kind soul pay my family's passage to New Zealand?
It would have to get significantly worse for me to consider that option.
Consider it? Yes. Do it? No.

And I really have considered it already. If McCain gets elected, it might be time to give it a try.
I wouldn't mind living in Canada.
No! I will fight to the death. THIS IS MY AMERICA, DON'T TREAD ON ME, and I won't plant one between your eyes.
yeah I will move in Switzerland

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