Friday, February 5, 2010

Is the nation of Israel an Apartheid state?

I want to hear from the left and the right.Is the nation of Israel an Apartheid state?

Legal and moral citizens of Israel (THAT means not only Jews, but Arabs Palestinians, Buddhists and all the others live peaceably side by side.)

Criminals, terrorists and racists that act against the state are marginalized, pursued and killed.

Just like any other country.Is the nation of Israel an Apartheid state?
Is there a way for Israel to call itself the ';Jewish state'; without some measures to ensure that its Jewish population is in the majority and in power politically and economically? Is there a way for Israel to ensure its survival when faced with a population that seeks its destruction and continually threatens it? There have been10,046 mortar and rocket attacks on Israel in the past eight years from Gaza. What should Israel do to protect itself?

Unlike the Arab states which are all Apartheid states. No democracy in even one Arab country!

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