Sunday, February 7, 2010

Have you read ';Stupid White Men...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation'; by Michael Moore?

If so, what is your scholarly opinion? Was it enlightening for you? Did it anger or bore you? Has it changed you in some way?

If you haven't read it, why not? Don't care? Don't usually read anything? Don't like liberal literature? Can't stomach the 'other side's' point of view? Hate Michael Moore?Have you read ';Stupid White Men...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation'; by Michael Moore?
Read it. Was not impressed.

Mr Moore is very good at putting a spin on anything, so I trust him about as much as I trust a politician.Have you read ';Stupid White Men...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation'; by Michael Moore?
I dont put much stock in anything Moore is involved in. All he shows or writes is his opinions. He does not show both sides of the issue he is writing or making a movie about. Thus I have not read this book and wont waste my time again watching any movie he is involved with. I read extensively and research any issue that I am interested in.
I don't mind hearing an educated point of view even if it differs from my opinions. I've even been known to change my mind on a topic when confronted with a logical argument. However, I won't waste my time reading lies. Michael Moores past work disqualifies him from my reading list.

So, I haven't read it and don't plan to waste my time nor my money.
What the hk? Fat people can't have good opinions? He might just know what he is talking about. Who cares if he's fat? I haven't read any of his books but I saw the movie Sicko. Disturbing that the stuff in the movie happens in the US.

As for him being a celebrity? He didn't start out that way. I'm sure if you spoke out against things enough and people listened then anyone could become a celebrity. It's better that people listened and became informed so that things can change for the better. Becoming a celebrity is just a side effect.
Haven't read it. Oh yeah, the reason is that I don't care. And quite frankly, I can't stomach what Michael Moore is capable of stomaching. Have you seen a picture of that fat b*stard? He looks like a male version of Rosie O'Donnell. Which is saying a lot, because Rosie O'Donnell looks like a male version of Rosie O'Donnell.

And I'm a liberal. But honestly, celebrities are to us what backwoods rednecks are to Republicans.

For Mr. Whiskers down here:

Calm down. I'm just having a little fun at his expense. I'm 300 lbs myself, so I know fat people can have smart opinions (though I happen to realize that what I wrote wasn't among them).

But what I wrote about celebrities is pretty much true. Of course not all of them, but for the most part they are a detriment to liberals. They take the right message and always take it too far, and are rightly attacked for it. But it makes the rest of us look bad for thinking toward their ideas (but not going extreme as they do).

The backwoods racists (not all of those from the country are redneck or racist, but I'm only talking about the racists ones) are the Republican version of our celebrities. Republicans for the most part are good people just like us, but they have their extremists who screw them as celebrities screw us.

Extremists on both sides have taken this discussion. Its time to restore civility to the discussion. But I don't want to. Its much more fun making fun of both sides than actually doing anything. I don't see how anyone can save it anyway, so I'll laugh the whole way down to h*ll in our handbasket.
His books sale well overseas There is a reason for that Don't have time writing my own book ';stupid Brown man Stupid yellow man '; well you have time too read my book? Didn't think so

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