Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Why do republicans try to blame the state of the nation on Obama when it was clearly Bush's fault ?

agree - billions %26amp; billions just to get Sadam to please his Daddy.

And how many American troops killed? He will rot in hell.Why do republicans try to blame the state of the nation on Obama when it was clearly Bush's fault ?
It's called causal analysis; Cause and Effect.

Do some research on the housing collapse and artificial bubbles.

Who was sleeping on the job? What government policies enabled high risk environments? What were some of the fallacies the market was operating under? Who was greedy -- banks, consumers, government, investors?

You're right, Bush deserves some blame -- but don't make the leap to claims you can't support.


';His knee jerk reaction to 911 (the war in Iraq) put this country on the road to financial ruin';

Afghanistan was the knee jerk reaction and it was the right one. Iraq came later w/ Democratic support. Saddam's intent to pursue his weapons program has actually been a concern since the late 90's on both sides of the isle, including B. Clinton, H. Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, Cohen, Feinstein, Berger, Albright, Rockefeller, Waxman, Graham, Levin, et al.

Google: Iraq Quotes Democrats

You want to talk about financial ruin?…Why do republicans try to blame the state of the nation on Obama when it was clearly Bush's fault ?
Because educated republicans know it is never the fault of one person let alone an administration as you are.They understand that the current situation is the cause of many failed policies over the last couple decades. So unlike you who actually thinks one person can make or break a world economy, they are smart enough to know this is impossible. You may try to research history before you claim this type of knowledge, as it does not may you or the party you represent look very wise. It was not his reaction to 9-11 that did anything to ';put this country on the road to financial ruin'; but many policies that were and are bad for this nation, even the continuing policies of the current administration.
Republicans blame anybody they can for their own problems. Just like they're the ones to run with the ';illegal immigrants and swine flu rhetoric';.…

Swine Flu Revives a Scapegoat for the Republican Party

Whining about their minority views on controversial issues hasn’t worked. Aggression hasn’t worked. Lying really hasn’t worked. So what’s the Republican Party to do?

Like any other failing political institution, the Republican Party has begun to exploit scapegoats. However, since there’s nothing else they can scapegoat someone for that they haven’t been doing already for years, Republicans have chosen to take advantage of the swine flu scare by blaming illegal immigrants.

Of course, almost half of the confirmed cases in the United States are in New York City. If illegal immigrants are “carrying swine flu across the border”, to reach New York City, they must be jumping the border and then flying a couple thousand miles to carry it all the way to New York, remarkably without causing nearly as many cases in between. Right. This is one of the key facts in the situation, though, and Republicans like to ignore those.
It was created by policies passed under Bill Clinton's administration(and continued by Bush). Obama gets the blame because he is trying to spend our way out of this mess with money we don't have. That is the same mentality that caused this mess. Not only has it been a massive failure so far, we will be paying for this mess for years
If you would care to jog your memory, you will remember that Bush's 1st ';knee-jerk'; reaction was to bomb and invade Afghanistan where the Taliban and Al-Qaeda were operating from. You may not agree with his invasion of Iraq, but then you sound like a ';knee-jerk'; liberal to begin with.

The current state of the U. S. can be traced as far back as Jimmy ';the Peanut'; Carter with his ';Community Reinvestment Act'; which first started the government interference with the mortgage market, by forcing banks and other lending institutions to grant mortgages to people who couldn't qualify in the first place and had little or no chance of ever being able to repay the loan.

It simmered under Ronald Reagan and his policies for smaller, more efficient government, but never went away, thanks to the Democraps in the House and Senate (does the name Chris Dodd and Barney Franks mean anything to you?).

Then when Bill Clinton got into office, he caused the banks and others to lend to even more disqualified borrowers. And again Barney Franks refused to institute controls on Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's lending practices - they were getting too much in the way of campaign contributions from those in charge of those institutions. He continually stated that both entities were solvent and in good financial shape. Many of those who used to in charge of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, by the way, are now members of the Obimbo administration. And tax frauds to boot.

While Bush was no better than a Democrap in his lavish spending and growth of government, he is only one cog in the machinations of the U. S. Government that caused the current financial crisis. And with the current amount of government interference in the free market of destruction of capitalism in the U. S., it will only get worse as the feds take more and more control of the economy - wages, prices, jobs, everything we need to function are coming under the control of the government.

This is NOT the way our government is supposed to operate. The laws that govern our country, in particular the Constitution, are being ignored by our ';illustrious'; elected officials.
Because they need somebody to blame. they don't want to take any responsibility for what they caused so they are trying to make it look like Obama has caused the problem.

And yes Obama has been in office for 4 months, but that's not enough time to turn our country around. It's going to take a while and a lot of help and support from congress, but if anyone can fix this mess, that BUSH caused, it's obama.
Bush left the country with a $450B debt. Obama, in a matter of months, has brought that figure up to $1,800,000,000,000.00-that's $1.8 trillion for those of you with a public school education. I bet you don't hear much about that on your lefty radio and television stations though do you?

All of you who voted for Obama are going to get exactly what you deserve-SOCIALISM! I would go point by point on every issue with you, but why bother? You are probably more interested in the American Idol results than you are with what is happening to your country right before your eyes. Grab a glass of Kool-Aid and enjoy utopia.
Who put a tax cheat in charge of the Treasury? OBAMA

Who supports mortgages for lazy people who knew they couldn't afford their big homes? OBAMA

Who supports tax hikes? OBAMA

What party whines about bailouts while taking millions from those very companies themselves? DEMOCRATS (Obama got $100K from AIG)

Who makes excuses for ACORN, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? OBAMA

Plus, you Democrats wanted the Iraq War and I'll provide the quotes if you ask!
That idiot Bush screwed us up with increased debt, larger government and a middle east policy that has failed. Now Obama is going to make it worse by continuing his policies.

Business as usual...I don't see any ';change'; LOL
Clearly Bush's fault? Really? The economy had 7 years of positive growth under Bush, It was only in the final year with a democrat controlled congress that the stuff hit the fan. Now could you maybe point out how it was ';Clearly Bush's Fault';.


US Army

they want more holy wars. god loves us and not them mentality

in what twisted world does spending massive amounts of money help a country get out of debt and in a better financial situation?

in the world where fixing problems can have a positive result. a leaky faucet need fixin'.
nobody's perfect, all I want to know is that in what twisted world does spending massive amounts of money help a country get out of debt and in a better financial situation. Hopefully you wouldn't go around and apply for 100 more credit cards if you're already maxed out on 10 of them.
come on man!!! the housing crisis put the country where it is financially....Bush pulled us out of a meltdown post 911 and did well with the economy smack dab up till 2006 when democrats took control of congress....and of course its not that simple so comon dude..try to be fair...we are all to blame
Knee jerk. September 11, 2001 we were attacked

Early 2003 the United States Invaded Iraq After televised warning after warning. I mean we TOLD them we were coming. It was NON nuclear attack despite our capabilities.

Knee jerk indeed...

Bush could NOT have Done ANY of it with-out congressioal approval.

-Non Republican Conservative
Try looking up ';Community reinvestment act'; that the farmer carter started and clinton pushed harder for.

The libs created this mess with social engineering.. But it is typical for them to blame others for their screw ups.
A lot of it is Bush's fault, but Obama has been in months now and has made major blunders that have made our lives much worse.
Marx was wrong ....

....Blame is the opiate of the masses ...

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