Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What sort of Nation allows the State MURDER of Women?

What I find amazing is that the so called civilized nation would try to say that Islamic States mistreat their women..... Sheer HYPOCRISY AmericaWhat sort of Nation allows the State MURDER of Women?
Hypocrisy? That's only part of it.

Did you know 'evil' Iran had a democratic SECULAR (non-religious) govt until it was overthrown by the US in 1953 to maintain control of their oil reserves (look up Operation Ajax)?

And which country shot down a civilian plane killing 238 Iranian civilians (including 66 children) in 1988 and then gave the officers military awards?

Iran Air Flight 655:鈥?/a>What sort of Nation allows the State MURDER of Women?
*As of June 30, 2009 there were 53 women on death row. This constitutes 1.6% of the total death row population of about 3,297 persons.

*In the past 100 years, 40 women have been executed in the U.S, including 11 since 1976.

****On the other hand:****

A June 2008 Report by the Turkish Prime Ministry's Human Rights Directorate, says that in Istanbul alone, there is one honor killing every week; and reports over 1,000 during the last 5 years. It adds that metropolitan cities are the location of many of these.

UNICEF reported that in the Gaza strip and the West bank that ';According to 1999 estimates, more than two-thirds of all murders were most likely 'honour' killings.';

In 2003 James Emery (adjunct professor of anthropology at Metropolitan State College of Denver and expert on Afghan politics and the Taliban) wrote: In the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan, women are executed in their homes, in open fields, and occasionally in public, sometimes before crowds of cheering onlookers. Honor killings account for virtually all of the murders of Palestinian women in these areas.

As many as 133 women were killed in the Iraqi city of Basra alone in 2006鈥?9 for violation of ';Islamic teachings'; and 47 for honor killings, according to IRIN, the news branch of the U.N.'s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Amnesty International claims honor killings are also conducted by armed groups, not the government, upon politically active women and those who did not follow a strict dress code, as well as women who are perceived as human rights defenders.

In April 2008 it came to light that some months prior, a Saudi woman was killed by her father for chatting on Facebook to a man. The murder only came to light when a Saudi cleric referred to the case in an attempt to demonstrate the strife that the website causes.

****So, yeah, i'll take the execution of women by the state for crimes actually commited over out of control vigilante killing any day, thank you. Look up the facts before stating your anti-American BS next time, m'kay?****
Hah. If I was born a woman I would certainly wish I was born in America and not Saudi Arabia. Half the women in their prisons are there for the crime of getting raped. It's just assumed over there that they did something to deserve it.
Murder is illegal in America as it is in all other countries. There is no hypocrisy in suggesting that women have fewer rights in law than men in some Islamic regimes. So your premise is flawed as is your conclusion.
When comparing the more civilized system of law in the Western World with that of Islamic Law (barbaric Sharia Law of the muslims), I would have to say that women come out ahead in the Western World system of laws.
One false statement in that sentence.

';civilized nation'; is false. Fact ';divided nation';鈥?/a>

Iran is completely Islamic is it not?
blame it on the shira law %26amp; those dumbass's that started the islamic revolution in 1979 before that when iran was the persians empire women were respected now well you know
Uusually those ruled by religious law.
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