Friday, February 5, 2010

What if Palin became president and lead the nation in prayer before the state of the Union ?

What if McCain God forbid were to pass away and Sarah Palin had to step in. And before her state of the union address started to lead the country in prayer. Would the liberals freak out or what ? I would love it !What if Palin became president and lead the nation in prayer before the state of the Union ?
Sounds ok to me. Better than singing YMCA at a gay pride parade.What if Palin became president and lead the nation in prayer before the state of the Union ?
It would be a disaster if Palin became president, with her zero foreign policy experience.

I am not sexist but think about the other countries that don't respect women we would get attacked left and right which is one the thing, but if she has no foreign policy experience then we're doomed!
She can't force me to pray.

She can talk to her imaginary Sky Bully all she wants. At least while doing so she wouldn't be doing any damage to anything.
Who watches that crap anyway
You state this as if liberals don't pray. A huge mistake on your part. It breaks my heart the your ilk would turn our wonderfully FREE country into a theocracy. Have you no shame?
It couldnt hurt ...With what the Democratic majority has done to the country in the last two years!

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