Wednesday, February 3, 2010

To those who complain about the state of our nation, what is your solution?

Please give specific solutions to what you complain about.To those who complain about the state of our nation, what is your solution?
Crime , drugs, gangs, The state of our union is going down because children are tempted to quit school by laws that alow them to, so they can grow up learning on the streets and end up on welfare or form gangs that steel or deal drugs and fight over them. Even children that would have not quit, do only because the option is offered to them by law at a set age that was a problem put into our leaders hands to deal with. But like all of their solutions, it was not about money or profits, so our Rich leadership that only understands how to deal with money, they just solved it by just letting those children quit. Did they ever wounder what they would grow up to become? Or how much it would cost the tax payer to take care of them when they did grow up? Or how much the prisons would cost to build to put them in after they acted with no wisdom or good knowledge to base their actions on?To those who complain about the state of our nation, what is your solution?
Provide health care to every American
vote out the neocons
A bit of common sense.
Vote for a woman president.
The answer is quite obvious, but it is right around the corner.

Good-bye bush.
Stay out of the affairs of other nations, and respect the right of other people to self-determination. That's the big one, because the 9/11 attacks were the direct and inevitable result of failing to do those things.

Require our government to obey the laws that apply to it, and the above would never have been the case in the first place.
1. Vote.

2. Vote for John Edwards.

3. Quit wasting $10 Billion a month on the war in Iraq.

4. Implement jbrandy26's suggestion.

5. Implement Jerry M's suggessstions.

6. Implement Justin_l's suggessstions.

7. Give me a thumbs down because I'm not entertained by right wing maniacs.
Complaint: a President elected twice that did not win the popular vote. Solution: Reconsider the effectiveness of the electoral college and revise to accurately reflect the desire of the people.
Solution is to figure out where to start the reform first !!!!!
you have been bitching about people complaining for several posts now...which makes you

A Hypocrite! Congrats!
Elect someone competent for one.

get out of Iraq

universal health care

education reform (get rid of NCLB)

implement a tax policy is more supportive of poor and middle class than it is the rich

have a transparent government so people know what the government is doing

trash the patriot act

trash domestic spying program

enforce strict government regulation of greenhouse gas emissions

Worthless war. Empeach Bush.
The deficit.

Raise taxes on the rich, so the middle class can live a better life and the rich people that do very little to earn so much money can give back what they have been given by society.

Health Care

Create universal health care so all americans can get the proper care they need to live happy lives.

Seperation of Church and State.

Tax the churches so it no longer can take money from the poor and spend it on thier own extravagant lifestyles.


Provide education to all Americans and not just the rich.

Human rights

Allow all people the right to marry.
I don't complain and it really irritates me that those who do usually don't vote
Ged rid of the bush crime family.
Turn it over to us monkeys! We'll do a better job of running things for sure!
First of all we need progressives running Congress and in a larger majority than currently sit there. We also need a progressive in the White House. To move forward is to progress. We have been regressing long enough it is time for progress and a progressive will do that.
go through the country and get rid of everyone that wears a tie. it wouldnt be a total solution but it would be a good start. we could send them all to some little island somewhere around antartica.
Our country needs so much fixing, that there's no chance for it to be done without a world war or catyclismic event forcing it to. We can only hope...Poverty and wealth are so separated that the have's and have not's can never solve the multitude of problems that the rich don't even think about. I'm sure famous people don't lose any sleep over homeless vets..

Health care should be a God-given right, and yet my friend can't get insulin to survive except illegally on-line through the generosity of a compassionate citizen-not from the system he paid into through over 25 years of truck driving. Just a small example of the deliberate pushing through the cracks of poor people. I hate our government. People spend millions of dollars to run for a job that pays a fraction of what they spend, only to get rich and have libraries built in their honor while people they put in harm's way die meaningless deaths far from home. There is no honor in an unjust war, and this country has continued to spend billions that could be used to institute programs here fighting on foreign soil with no conclusion in sight. We don't learn from history, hey stupid-remember Vietnam???and continue to coddle a retarded and insincere leader as being dumb enough for the job, instead of insisting on competence. Veterans are eating out of the trash, and our culture has 193 different varieties of toothpastes in China's biggest outlet store-Wal Mart, where the products they sell are as disposable as toilet paper.

Nothing is made here anymore, and nothing is made well. We used to say America was the land of opportunity, but not if you're Mexican, Haitian, Cuban, or Dominican-unless you've got a hell of a slider. Police, firefighters, and teachers are all underpaid, and under appreciated. Don't get a cavity either, because the government will let your teeth rot in agony rather than provide any services to help, while leaders, most of whom are silver spoon born, get freebies for life. Greased pockets, sticky palms-no one dare steps on the toes of any politicians surrounded by ';yes'; men...And the ';religious'; organizations use freedom of speech and religion to get rich, while getting tax breaks, instead of offering services to help the indigent, or simply down on their luck people. If they were really churches they'd let homeless people stay there. Otherwise, they are all just bowling leagues with a tax break. I know I tried to serve this country in 1987, and I was raped for it. Far worse has happened to others who served in the don't ask, don't tell military, I'm sure.

In short, it is utterly useless to try to fix the problems, because no one who can cares if you do, and no one who needs it fixed really cares anymore. I'm living in a tent, and I feel lucky. Too many in this ';free country'; are worse off than me. Too many who have the power to start trying to fix anything simply won't.
Well, I think insuring all working Americans a wage that adequately provides for them and their family would be a great place to start.
Next year's elections?

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