Wednesday, February 3, 2010

To the good citizens of the United States: What have you done today to better the state of our great nation?

Such as writing a letter to congress demanding support for electric cars, making a donation to hurricaine victims, or just helping an elderly neighbor carry home groceries etc,etc.

Also, What will you do tomorrow?To the good citizens of the United States: What have you done today to better the state of our great nation?
I live by what I teach.

I teach my children every day that religion is a personal belief not a political one and that faith is not for them to judge or be judged.

I teach them what it means to be a caring and compassionate individual, while respecting others.

I allow them to ask questions and answer them honestly and accurately, and when i cannot answer because of conviction, belief or lack of knowledge, I explain this to them and allow them to seek there answers from educated sources.

I teach my children to look at all sides of a conflict or situation, because there is always more than one side and no one may be right or wrong.

I teach them how to stand up for there convictions and beliefs with out hurting others, and how to walk away when necessary.

I teach them to be humble, and have shame, while also teaching them to be proud and honest.

I know that i can live my life to help others, but I alone cannot initiate a change in the world i live without teaching my children change. They must be taught and must live in change for it to truly be effective.To the good citizens of the United States: What have you done today to better the state of our great nation?
You are welcome

Cece now a critical care nurse after 20 years in the US Navy working in avation. (CDR USN Ret)

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i have no need to write a letter, i dont want an electric car, i would not donate money to hurricane victims, and my neighbors not that old. i did wake up and will go to work .
When do they make you a saint or are you going right to the top and we should worship you as a god? Where do you get off being so smug? Most of us wake up each morning go to work, help our families and yes believe it not help others when we can. Yes, I do write letters to Washington when I can find the time and I am thankful I live in an ';old-fashioned'; neighborhood where people actually come out and interact with each other.If you have this desire for all of us to thank you for all you have done to help humanity and you want everyone to stand up and cheer for you it is not going to happen. Do good things because it is good for all of us but not for applause or a pat on the back. ';Thank you'; for doing all those ';good deeds'; but there is always more to be done so get back to work saving the world by doing your little part.

In regard to your other post at my question. gottalotta_nerve's I guess being god you have more then one name but that's cool, hey you're god. You made me laugh and that's always a good thing. I give it out and I can take it as well. Life is too short not to laugh at yourself. Point taken. By the way supreme ruler of all things how about the Powerball numbers for Wednesday night. Thanks in advance.
I went to work and actually worked while I was there, paid for everything myself, and fed homeless kitties.
I call 911 to report suspected crime.

I conduct free legal research for prisoners - is that helping???

I'm a court volunteer.
Pay taxes that buy bombs that kill children in Lebanon
paying taxes is one thing, and I always help my fellow neighbors in need. I agree that writing a letter to congress for electric cars is a great idea and I am on it. You are right, we should be more proactive in getting resolution to the oil crisis. Thanks (-:
I don't know, I just woke up.

Actually, i am taking things to a charity for the poor. I like to give things away instead of selling them to honor the memory of my father.
I let people go in front of me at a busy intersection.

I say hello with a smile.

I always try to make people laugh.

I help my friend even at my expense because she really needs it.
What have you done? Or are just another liberal that demand that others contribute. Do YOU ride a bike or walk to work? Do YOU give most of your money away? If you do, then good for you. If not, then just shut up.
Work, no entitlement mentality here!
I came to work to pay taxes.

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