Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hi, I was wondering what the American public thought about the general state of the nation at this point?

*Official Profile*Hi, I was wondering what the American public thought about the general state of the nation at this point?
In my neck of the woods we are in a deep recession with very few housing starts and very few jobs. We are at war with another nation that was started based on lies. We have a lack of affordable health care, and we have a president that doesn't care about the real people of the country. The poor and the middle class. I don't think he likes veterans either as he has cut funding for them.Hi, I was wondering what the American public thought about the general state of the nation at this point?
We are suffering through the sixth year of an ignorant egomaniac who needs to be impeached, removed, and sentences to a certain imfamous prison in Iraq.
The economy is booming. Unemployment is the lowest in decades. Who knows what the National Debt is but its my understanding that due to the increases in revenue something along those lines is going down. As someone who leans to the right it seems to me that these are all good things so I don't understand why those on the left keep trying to convince me other wise. I not happy with the way things are going in the war but I'm even less thrilled by what the Democrat's are proposing. I'm really annoyed with the Republicans for doing such a bad job here at home that it got the Democrat's pushed back into power. Amnesty for people who broke the law getting into this country? I don't think so. If this is the way the Left feels why have any immigration laws at all? Truthfully I'm sick of both parties and I'm looking for a third I can get behind. Again, truthfully, I have this sickening feeling that the America I grew up in and came to love no longer exist.
LOL, I'm not worthy.
My job is going to India, what do you think?
I've got troubles, I don't have a place to keep my new yacht, see everyone at the country club got a new yacht and now there's no room at the marina
The embarrassment we feel is only to be exceeded by our pains from the gas being 3.00 a gallon. But I guess we have to pay a bit more for that fun lil mission (plan wink,wink,) In the middle east of yours.

Aww heck you already spent 385 billion destroying Iraq for no good reason and those silly people in New Orleans are still living in trailers go ahead take Iran before you try Syria. Oh wait dont you think the Russians and China are gonna be pissed when they see us coming to get their primary gas wholesaler.Oh heck, shucks, what am I saying you are the decider and you'll decide what happens. I'm sure you know what your doing.
The nation is in its worst state yet. Racism, violence, political extremism and religous right are running wild. Mr Bush has done F**K ALL for the US, he has screwed it beyond belief and put it in such high debt that the debt clock is running out of numbers. Let me remind the American people that when Bill Clinton was in office, the national debt was $0. THERE WAS NO DEBT, AND NOW THEY'RE RUNNING OUT OF NUMBERS!! I would make an enormous list of problems, but it's just not worth my time. I would rather be doing something about it, unlike the so called president.
If we can hold out until January 20th, 2009 we might be ok, but it will be close.
It's lousy. Could you please surrender the war on terror, raise our taxes, and destroy our economy? I don't think I can wait two years for Hillary to do it.
I'm a little concerned about that $9,000,000,000,000 DEBT, W.
USA rulez!
Not happy. Finish the Job in Iraq before you leave office.[PERIOD!].

Keep your promises by funding research for alternative fuels and make incentive packages for corporations to implement alternative fuels. Americans want Action, not lip service.

Funding for Education, ALL Law Enforcement (FBI, State to Local).

If not, you and Dick should resign.
hey chicken little the sky is falling oh no wait really there is weapons of mass destruction i swear!!!
George, try reading some newspapers instead of relying solely on your staff about the general state of our nation.
I think it is good. Home ownership is up. Unemployment is down. Gasoline prices are over inflated and it is bad. Just watch approval ratings and they are directly tied to gas prices and not foreign policy. This is a no-brainer. Keep up the good work. Do not cave in. Be steadfast. History will tell the truth that George W. Bush was one of the greatest presidents ever.
i think tht we shud make more progress w/ the war
I suggest you go to iTunes on a local computer, look up Green Day, and buy their album American Idiot. Listen carefully to all their songs and read their lyrics. Next, take all their advice to heart, attempt to fix your mistakes, and in 2008, Billie Joe is running for president.
We need a lot of work because the state of the US is pretty sad

1. We need to work on government transparency

2. Get our troops out of Iraq and put them on the border so that the ';terrorist'; don't come and ';fight us here';

3. Stop the formation of the North American Union (combining of US, Mexico and Canada

4. Make Bush withdraw his illegal amnesty progam and fine business and corporation 5 billion dollars for hiring illegal aliens

6. Get rid of black box voting


Just a few suggestions
You tell me you know best. You are the decider. Tell me great father figure.
I think it's going great George thanks
From what I hear, a good deal of the American public is getting fed up with your shennaigans and would ask you to refrain from racking up any more debt. Quit sending our soldiers overseas, we need them at home, ALIVE! More and more people cannot afford the basic necessities of living; and you may have 'no child left behind' but now they are graduating with the same IQ as when they started school. I would venture an educated guess that the general state of the nation is in an alarmingly poor state.

Now, you the ';decision maker'; have been informed. I think a ';change of course'; is in order here. We, as a nation, are also begging you to open up your private oilfields and share with us, the poor people, who have to put up with you for too long yet.


a disgruntled American.
The state of the nation at this point is very poor. Our military is stretched very thin fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the Chimp in Charge wants to start something with Iran.

The leader, and I use that term loosely, has no exit strategy in Iraq other than to send more troops. Apparently God is telling him to do this because most generals tell him it won't do any good and the Iraq Study Group said to do something else. He seems to think he is smarter than people who have spent a lifetime in military or diplomatic corps.

I hope everyday that the Democrats will get some backbone and impeach Bush and Cheney and then try them for war crimes, gross negligence, incompentence, corruption and treason so they will be punished like they have punished our country.
I have no complaints, except for the fact that the cost of living keeps going up and the paychecks stay the same.
The economy is great and us pensioners are doing fine. Thank you.
Yes, things could be better, but I am content that you are doing well to protect the American people.
We love you, George. And, you love America --- unlike Dems.
The state of our nation is strong in spite of the far left liberals who are working their hardest to show disrespect and hatred for all those things our forefathers paid such a high price to have.
doing good dad
every things great George

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