Sunday, February 7, 2010

Everyone in USA... what do you think about the state of our nation?

I want to hear from men, women, minorities, parents, people without kids, people who are 40+ college students and teens...

10pts. to best answer.Everyone in USA... what do you think about the state of our nation?
As a Canadian, watching from above.

Your nation is in serious trouble.

Your education system is weak.

Your health system is garbage.

The gap between the poor and the rich is widening, with only the rich able to get a good education or health care.

95% of your nation is moving back the middle ages (no education, poor health, servitude) and 5% are living the American dream.

I'm glad I'm Canadian.Everyone in USA... what do you think about the state of our nation?
I think this is the most wonderful nation in the world. We are free enough to live very comfortable lives. We have so much food that we a have a much bigger obesity problem then starvation rate. We are more of a republic then a democracy and this keeps us safe. Our military and government have ways of protecting us then most Americans will every know about. Our problems are a joke compared to most other countries who are struggling. The only problem I have is with spoiled arrogant citizens who do not have a clue how blessed we are as a nation.
wow, what do i think about the nation as it is now?

i couldnt even begin to explain to u the frustration i feel each and every day about how people in this country act towards the world, to their surroundings, to everything that exists in their daily lives.

We are so caught up in the everyday fitting in with the rest of society that we forget taht we are individual human beings.

people do not act like individuals in this country they act like a cookie cutter personality and live by it thinking they are different and free.

We think we are invincible, that nothign can touch us because we are americans amiright? I mean GOD forbid we WORRY that tomorrow something might happen that will disrupt this media fueled reality we live in.

Lol, God.

Its frustrating because i cant reach people. its frustrating that i cant change people away from these things.

However, not all people are like this.

Not all people live by what society thinks is right, by what their parents thought was right, by what the GOVERNMENT thinks is right, by what their friends thought was right, by what the ******* media thinks is right.

Meh , just meh.

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