Sunday, February 7, 2010

Does the state of the Nation, and the World....?

Make it more difficult to believe in God? With poverty, famine, illnesses, violent crimes, war, and hate make it more difficult for people to believe in a God? As Christians, we generally see the moral decline as a fulfillment of prophecy, something that the Bible told us would happen. But for those of you that do not believe, and the numbers are rising, does it contribute to why it is hard to believe?Does the state of the Nation, and the World....?
People have been complaining about moral decay since early Greek and Roman times.

No, they don't make it more difficult for me to believe in God. The nature of Faith and belief do. Why is it logical to assume we should accept something as true, when there is zero compelling evidence to support it.

The conflicting claims in the bible make it impossible for to me to believe in the God of Christianity. And I'm not talking small things, but basic things like ';How could a God who is just and loving sentence anyone to punishment for an eternity?';. No finite crime is justly punished with infinite punishment. It's neither just nor loving. And the double talk about God not sending you to hell is bogus. He designed the system. Any statements to the contrary are rationalizations.Does the state of the Nation, and the World....?
there has always been war, death, disease, poverty, etc.

if anything, we are more aware of it today than in previous times, and therefore, we are morally obligated to do something about it, rather than assume some supernatural being is going to clean up our messes for us.

It's time to act like grown-ups.
In his sermon on the mount Jesus said that those who were conscious of their spiritual need would be happy. Obviously it isn't because they just sit around and feel sorry for themselves concerning this need but because they look for God to fulfill it. God is not hiding from anyone who looks for him which is why we are much more content than the rest of the world. Satan and the wicked angels who followed him were thrown down and confined to the earth in 1914 and they continue to be actively persecuting all of mankind hoping to take as many of us into destruction with them as they possibly can. It is not easy for any of us to remain on the road to life and certainly there is much effort involved in finding it--But, considering all the blessings extended to all mankind by God himself, there is no reason for anyone not to at least look for him.
Yes, I think the problem of evil is one of the biggest reasons people turn away from Christianity and the idea of god in general.

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