Sunday, February 7, 2010

Current state of the Nation?

This one is easy...

Describe your perceived state of the nation in ONE word. Then in ONE sentence, describe who caused it.

This is for school. No rants please.Current state of the Nation?

The reality that nothing in nature or created by man is easily summed up in one word, thus it is created by everyone wanting to do what they perceive is best for the country despite different interpretations of what best is- or God if you so believe.Current state of the Nation?

A lot of people who won't stand up for what they really believe in.
Wilting. How much better off we would have been if George Bush had concentrated on Afghanistan where the enemy was, instead of starting an additional war in IRAQ that we can't finish, while it drains us financially.
great....BJ I am quite sure is a hillary clinton fan. our nation is safe, economy is weak and as for a capitalist goverment....well BJ that is what made this country great,rich and powerful.

The Bush administrations policies of war and capitalism have destroyed us.
Turmoil Our elected officials from Pesident on down have failed to enforce the laws that are in place to protect our country and it's citizens.

Too many people pulling in too many directions.

Main culprit is Congress--because they COULD have more control with members who are patriots.
1 - Outstanding.

2 - The American People, of course.
economic recession

hillary clinton really needs to become president in order for us to survive the next decade

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